7؁UUp0" sIU `+Up"7؁U^4U*Up!0 s0U0 @0 .XU0 4IU0 +Up@!7؁UUP y)#UP Up p s0Up `p . U u0U p 4IUp +NU`` =>UPu4U Up7؁U ^4U*Up s0U .U s0U u0U 4IU +NU` =U QRU PA4U Up7؁U Up sIU +UP s0U 0 IU0 +NU`=UP QRUP PA4U` Up7؁U` ^4U@*UPp s0Up IU +NU`=U QRU PA4U Up7؁U Upp s0U .U@ s0U u0U 4IU +NU`=U QRU PA4U UpP7؁U U@ s0U 0 0U0 0 .U@ Q SU@ P |{u0UP 0 4IU0 `+NUp=NU=Upp QRUp PA9U <aU Pu@U`A4U Up7؁U U s0U IU +NU`P=U@ QRU PA4U Up7؁U Up s0U .U s0U  u0U 4IU +NU =U0 QRU0 PA9U@ <Up7؁U@ UP s0UP ` IU` +U@ Q,U 3Up7؁U U Q SU |{IU +NU=U QRU PA9U <=*U 3Up7؁U Us0UIU+se { $message = __( 'action complete', 'action-scheduler' ); } $this->log( $action_id, $message ); } /** * Log action failure. * * @param int $action_id Action ID. * @param Exception $exception Exception. * @param string $context Action execution context. */ public function log_failed_action( $action_id, Exception $exception, $context = '' ) { if ( ! empty( $context ) ) { /* translators: 1: context 2: exception message */ $message = sprintf( __( 'action failed via %1$s: %2$s', 'action-scheduler' ), $context, $exception->getMessage() ); } else { /* translators: %s: exception message */ $message = sprintf( __( 'action failed: %s', 'action-scheduler' ), $exception->getMessage() ); } $this->log( $action_id, $message ); } /** * Log action timeout. * * @param int $action_id Action ID. * @param string $timeout Timeout. */ public function log_timed_out_action( $action_id, $timeout ) { /* translators: %s: amount of time */ $this->log( $action_id, sprintf( __( 'action marked as failed after %s seconds. Unknown error occurred. Check server, PHP and database error logs to diagnose cause.', 'action-scheduler' ), $timeout ) ); } /** * Log unexpected shutdown. * * @param int $action_id Action ID. * @param mixed[] $error Error. */ public function log_unexpected_shutdown( $action_id, $error ) { if ( ! empty( $error ) ) { /* translators: 1: error message 2: filename 3: line */ $this->log( $action_id, sprintf( __( 'unexpected shutdown: PHP Fatal error %1$s in %2$s on line %3$s', 'action-scheduler' ), $error['message'], $error['file'], $error['line'] ) ); } } /** * Log action reset. * * @param int $action_id Action ID. */ public function log_reset_action( $action_id ) { $this->log( $action_id, __( 'action reset', 'action-scheduler' ) ); } /** * Log ignored action. * * @param int $action_id Action ID. * @param string $context Action execution context. */ public function log_ignored_action( $action_id, $context = '' ) { if ( ! empty( $context ) ) { /* translators: %s: context */ $message = sprintf( __( 'action ignored via %s', 'action-scheduler' ), $context ); } else { $message = __( 'action ignored', 'action-scheduler' ); } $this->log( $action_id, $message ); } /** * Log the failure of fetching the action. * * @param string $action_id Action ID. * @param null|Exception $exception The exception which occurred when fetching the action. NULL by default for backward compatibility. */ public function log_failed_fetch_action( $action_id, ?Exception $exception = null ) { if ( ! is_null( $exception ) ) { /* translators: %s: exception message */ $log_message = sprintf( __( 'There was a failure fetching this action: %s', 'action-scheduler' ), $exception->getMessage() ); } else { $log_message = __( 'There was a failure fetching this action', 'action-scheduler' ); } $this->log( $action_id, $log_message ); } /** * Log the failure of scheduling the action's next instance. * * @param int $action_id Action ID. * @param Exception $exception Exception object. */ public function log_failed_schedule_next_instance( $action_id, Exception $exception ) { /* translators: %s: exception message */ $this->log( $action_id, sprintf( __( 'There was a failure scheduling the next instance of this action: %s', 'action-scheduler' ), $exception->getMessage() ) ); } /** * Bulk add cancel action log entries. * * Implemented here for backward compatibility. Should be implemented in parent loggers * for more performant bulk logging. * * @param array $action_ids List of action ID. */ public function bulk_log_cancel_actions( $action_ids ) { if ( empty( $action_ids ) ) { return; } foreach ( $action_ids as $action_id ) { $this->log_canceled_action( $action_id ); } } }